Budgeting and Banking Math (Digital Download)

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Series Name: 21st Century Lifeskills Mathematics

Budgeting & Banking Math
Includes: Paying Your Way, Buying Large Items, Unplanned Expenses, Credit Card Buying, Rental Budgeting, Self-Employment, Going on a Trip, Keeping the Books

The reproducible lessons in each of the six books in this series presents topics students are likely to encounter in everyday life. Each book contains problems &that involve estimation, equations, mental math, calculators, and critical thinking. Additional concept-specific skills in each book include graphing, averages, statistics, ratios, and measurement. These 112-page reproducible books include teacher notes and tips, answer keys, reference guides, lessons, unit reviews, and more.


Format: Digital Download

Grade Level: 6 to 12

Approximate Grade-Level Equivalent for Series: 6.0

Please note that Downloadable Goods are all non-returnable and the sale will be final.


Key Words/ Themes: Life Skills, Math, Budgeting, Banking, Reproducible Activities, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo Books, Hi-Lo Solutions, High-Low Books, Hi-Low Books, ELL, EL, ESL, Struggling Learner, Struggling Reader, Special Education, SPED, Newcomers, Reading, Learning, Education, Educational, Educational Books, Nonfiction, Tween, Teen, Young Adult


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Budgeting and Banking Math (Digital Download)

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